
Search Engine Optimization in Frederick Maryland

Frederick Web Promotions can get YOUR local Frederick Business listed in the top ten Google results pages.

What that you say? You didn't know Google was also for LOCAL advertising?

Yes it is, Google can target YOUR local business for the keywords that YOUR local customers are going to type in to find YOUR products/services.

Frederick Web Promotions has a proven track record.
Verifiable results.

Our list of clients and the Google Results we gave them:

City Cab Company- City Cab already has a 90% plus market share of local Frederick Taxi business... what City Cab wanted Frederick Web Promotions to do for them is get:
MORE AIRPORT business...

People that ride taxi's generally do not look in Google.
People that fly, people that need to go to the airport and do NOT want to park thier cars DO LOOK IN GOOGLE.

The best source of NEW income for City Cab is to get Google Traffic, to be listed in the top ten Google results for these keywords:

Frederick Airport Transportation


Email David Bruce Jr.

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