
Top Ten ranking for each of our clients

It's relativley easy to get a companies website to rank using the name of the company.

What's harder is to beat the competing company websites in Google for the keywords prospectivc clients are going to actually type in to Google.

To knock off a competitor in the top ten Google results (Front page of Google) is the 'brass ring' of search engine optimization.

Here are the current Google results for people typing into Google:

Frederick Maryland movers


and a pet project of mine is Frederick's Mission of Mercy.

Mission of Mercy, a nonprofit organization, seeks to restore dignity to all people by being an instrument of "healing through love". based on an innovative volunteer-based model, M of M is able to treat large numbers of patients with active and retired medical professionals

I'm doing publicity for Mission of Mercy for free, because I believe in what they're doing.

Go to Frederick.com and type in:

Mission of Mercy

I made Mission of Mercy an Unofficial Frederick Mission of Mercy blog as well:


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