
New WEB2.0 Portal for Life in Frederick MD

Frederick Maryland New WEB2.0 Portal Website

Life in Frederick Maryland

Introducing a new WEB2.0 Portal Blog that's all about the Qualitity of Life here in Frederick County MD, Employment Opportunties in Frederick County MD, Why someone would want to move here in Frederick County MD


If you're a Local Frederick County Business OR a Business that either has a customer base in Frederick Maryland or WANTS a customer base in Frederick Maryland....
Now you've got some really affordable low cost advertising options!!

YOUR AD in the sidebar of this rapidly growing online portal on the Qualtity of Life in Maryland's Second Largest City is only going to cost you a dollar a month!


gets you an ad spot complete with URL of YOUR website and Google™ will pick up that url almost immeadiately.

That's a dollar a month... why am I pricing this so low?

Two reasons:

  • I'm wanting to populate the smaller (simple listing) ads in order to make the blog look more attractive to the Feature Ads I'm offering in the main body of Life in Frederick Maryland.

  • Some Local Frederick Businesses that want to advertise online, do not yet have a website... If that's the case for you, I can set you up with a business blog AND submit that blog to Google™ for only $80.00

  • So this is a 'loss leader', where else are you going to get this much quality exposure for your business for a dollar a month???

    Order Online Right Now!!! Click Here

    Send an email to davidbruce@frederick.com for details

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